Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Wedgewood, She-Tea and ME

Mrs She-Tea is being terribly elusive; refusing to take my calls or deliver her entry for Face Off 2012. The portrait of me is obviously so stunning that she’s planning to sell it to The Portrait Gallery in London.  As Mother frequently says, “why does one person have to ruin it for everyone?”  Well her Duplicity was no match for my Lara Croft. The Best Friend, Becc cracked like a twig; handing over the address of She-Tea Headquarters (closely guarded secret) in exchange for borrowing my Christian Louboutin heels for Date Night with her hubbie. (Couture can be so persuasive).

Dressed for action, in black True Religion Jeans, Armani Black T-Shirt and Prada patent black sneakers; I walked up the cobblestone driveway, dodged the sprinklers, skirted the rose garden and wandered through the open front door of Daylesford’s prettiest 1880’s miner’s cottage.  Across the threshold, the seductive smell of lavender lured me in further; like sleep walking off the Lavender plateau in Gorge du Verdon, straight into a Grasse perfumerie. Hessian sacks of Lavender, dried Rose petals and Jasmine flowers covering every inch of floor space. Mrs She-Tea should offer guided tours, because this place is spellbinding; I didn’t know where to look or smell first...Read more...

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