Monday, February 20, 2012

Geoffrey Williams & Australia’s most popular Sofa

The road sign said, “Centre of the Universe.” Gerry and I are standing in the middle of what appears to be a field with a road running through it, and a little old English Style Pub to one side. The locals of Lyonville (10 minutes drive from Daylesford) either don’t get out much or are exceptional marketers.  Tumbleweed blows down the street and lands in front of an A-frame sign declaring that the “Booking office” is Open. Booking office for what?

Radio Springs Hotel is a 1920’s olde world English pub and equally as eccentric. Walking into the tiny bar, the Publican greeted us with, “You’re eating aren’t you?” The dining enquiries kept coming thick and fast, eventually culminating in being handed a knife and fork. While we were still standing at the bar.  He’s persistent. No wonder the restaurant is full!  Behind us, hotel guests and staff are clambering under tables looking for lost room keys. Back at the Bar, the other patrons joined in on the “why aren’t you eating” debate. Twenty minutes later, still holding our knives and forks (wrapped in a serviette), we convinced the Publican and Public-at-Large that we really had just came to watch Geoffrey Williams perform. At which point, the Publican explained that we should have called to book the Sofa. ...Read more...

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