Sunday, February 12, 2012

Larder brings BAFTA’s to Daylesford.

The first time that I walked through the doors of Larder, co-owner Luke recognised me on sight. A difficult customer camouflaged in Prada and posh Wellies. After placing my order, he stepped out from behind the chrome & Lamborghini pearl white La San Marco Espresso Machine, looked me square in the eye, grinned and asked. “How exactly how do you like your Macchiato?” I almost hugged him for such devotion to my every whim! Over the next five minutes, I covered off espresso definitions, bean origins, foam consistency, brewing methods and cup temperature. Usually baristas try to throw me out around about now, but Luke was very gracious, albeit with a glazed, slightly pained look. (Café Rouge at Kingston-on-Thames, England could take a few lessons in politeness from Luke). I did notice him poke a fork into his hand but I’m sure that was completely accidental.

When the coffee arrived, I shed tiny tears of joy. ACF chocolate brown espresso cup. Rich, smooth aroma. Crema the colour of warm hazelnut; texture thick and creamy. And a little white jug of frothed milk on the side. I was home...Read more...

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