Sunday, February 5, 2012

Is Baking the new Speed Dating?

Recently I’ve started thinking that the reason my love life is flatter than a pancake, is because I don’t bake! Think about it… Hot bachelors everywhere, including Gerard Butler and George Clooney, are swooning over cupcakes, Nigella Lawson and her fudge-scented scrumptiousness was voted one of the world’s most beautiful women (2010), and all my baking friends are living out their Great Love Stories. I have got to get baking! While mulling over this dilemma and possible next steps, I popped into Daylesford House Café for cake, a cuppa and some inspiration.

Daylesford House is the home of yummy cake. You can smell it in the air just walking through the door. Not surprising since co-owner Oliver was born and raised in Frankfurt, the home of Apple Strudel, Black Forest Torte and Cheesecake. Growing up surrounded by generations of great bakers, Oliver was rolling pastry before he could walk and baking Christstollen at the age of 12. He’s been baking up a storm ever since...Read more...

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