Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Janis Joplin of Australian Art

The Daylesford Face Off shifted into Guggenheim's orbit the day that Madeleine McCristal joined the competition. What next? A call from Tracey Emin?

From the first few moments of the Official Portrait Sitting, it was obvious why Madeleine has been dubbed the Janis Joplin of the Australian art world.  Apparently my floral Laura Ashley tea dress was life threatening. “There’s no way you’re wearing that dress in my portrait. I’ve walked past Laura Ashley shops and almost had a minor heart attack. She’s got a lot to answer for!” Given this is a women who laments not being in Club 27, her trauma at attire was understandable. Next minute I'm dressed in a black t-shirt, black leather jacket from the 1960's, red velvet scarf and Madeleine’s precious original 1970’s John Lennon glasses. Even Martha Stewart would have changed into Yoko Ono under these conditions...Read more...

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