Friday, March 2, 2012

Prada Doth Protest

I’m wearing indignation this week. News has hit the streets that regional Daylesford newspaper, Advocate, (part of Fairfax Media) refuses to cover “to Daylesford, with Love” book launch on the grounds that it isn’t Community Focused enough. What??? It’s a book about Daylesford; profiling local characters, talent and businesses. Just because it’s not written in BBC formality or narrated by Richard Attenborough or Bob Hawke, doesn’t negate Tweed, Tea and Wellies influence in showcasing the fabulousness of Daylesford to the world. But as Dame Edna famously said, “You mustn't judge Australia by the Australian Regional Newspapers.” I hope to be as wise, socially conscious and well-coiffed as Dame Edna someday.  In the meantime, the Advocate’s place on the Front Row has been filled by some lovely editors from In-Style and Marie Claire magazines. They’ll be wearing Prada.

No sooner were my knickers out of a twist, when another local travesty got them all knotted again. Purple Phone was ringing off the hook with news that the Hepburnshire Council is potentially Amnesia-impaired. Allegedly the Council approved the exact measurements of stunning wrought iron and marble tables outside the Oh so fabulous Jimmy’s Bar, then forgot they’d ever said (or written) anything.  Now they’re demanding the tables be removed on the grounds that they’re too big. Mother once asked why I don’t go into Politics and my response then was because civil servants have such tragic wardrobes. Now I’m amending that response to the sage words of renowned Australian author, critic and broadcaster, Clive James, “All intellectual tendencies are corrupted when they consort with power.”...Read more...

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