Thursday, December 1, 2011

Star Crossed Coffee Lovers in Daylesford – PART 2

The boys have got wind that I’m doing one last round of the Coffee Route du Bonheur in Daylesford and have taken to sitting in the car whenever they see me pack the laptop and camera into my handbag. They make interesting sub-editors so I am acquiescent.  Am still wearing black!

Cliffy’s Emporium, Howe St, Daylesford

Pouring with rain this morning, but nothing can dampen the warmth and charm of Cliffy’s Emporium. Somewhere in between my all time favourite film, the whimsical Bagdad Café (with classic one-lines like “Stuck between a rock and a hot plate”) and the 1960's cult TV hit, Happy Days, Cliffy’s Emporium is basically a movie set waiting for Jack Palance to walk in. A mish mash of gilded mirrors bounce light from the chandeliers. Staff in paisley aprons and neck ties wander around putting menus written on paper bags back onto earring racks. And the occasional eccentric character or international rock star sips espresso at the rickety wooden table tucked in the front shop window....Read more...

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