Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Three dirt tracks, two champagnes & one goat

I was on my way back from buying fresh vegetables at local farm gates and, feeling particularly country and western (in plaid shirt and True Religion jeans), decided to take the back roads home. Clearly not a well thought out plan. Who knew that when you turn down a country road in rural Australia, chances are you may not see a main road (or sign) … ever again? At one point I came to three detour signs, signaling me off the asphalt road down dirt tracks, all going in different directions! In a Girl Guide alumni moment, I stepped out of the car and walked up a nearby hill, hoping to get my geographical bearings. This was about as effective as pulling out the car cigarette lighter and trying to send smoke signals for help! Morale reached an all time low with the sighting of a handwritten sign saying “Adelaide. Not far now!” Optimism went down like the phone reception.

Surely I’d arrive somewhere… anywhere… soon?

Then like a long gin and tonic (with a twist of lime) during a heat wave, a winery appeared. I slammed on the brakes. Tales of the infamous Michal Unwin winery (Beaufort) and his beautiful One Goat label are widespread, but being such a specialist winemaker with limited releases each year, his wine is almost as rare as signposts around here...Read more...

spot the hot winemaker's arm in top right hand corner?

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