Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Nuns, angels and a heavenly day spa

Daylesford has turned into Arabian Nights; temperatures are so high, my hair has curled into a rolled up Persian rug. I’m surprised my skin hasn’t wandered off in search of water!  With older sister, Theresa (remember the one with English Rose skin who asks random strangers which one of us is the youngest?) arriving in Daylesford for Christmas, I’m going to need more than 8 glasses of water a day to restore this wreck. Times like this, I’m grateful for living in Australia’s famous spa town, with day spas on every corner and mineral springs spurting out of potholes.

Raphael, Angel in Waiting
A sign outside Endota Spa pronounces “Welcome to Heaven”. Usually a cliché. Not this time.

I expected white fluffy clouds and harps. Instead Angelina was the angel that awaited me. After a myriad of paper work (is it really that necessary?), in floats my therapist, Rachael, the poster child for day spas: beautiful big smile and healthy glow. I renamed her Raphael (in my head).

The darkened treatment room glowed with the twinkle of rose scented tea lights. Once Raphael had wrapped me in heated towels and aromatherapy pillows, she set to work on the monumental task of restoring youthful glow to my face. Usually I’m not terribly relaxed during facials; too busy analysing every step, assessing the short and long term efficacy and wondering how much time has passed so far. However, today was different. Something deeply therapeutic about Raphael’s touch, the treatment and the room, silenced the thousands of thoughts racing around in my mind and took me to another place with similar heavenly vibe. To one of my favourite places on earth...Read more...

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