Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Velveteen Rabbit leads Fashion Elite down Garden Path

Daylesford has a fairytale style aesthetic that has fashion editors around the world drooling into their non fat, decaf skinny soy lattes. Imagine Ned Kelly attempted to rob Viktor & Rolf, they all ended up becoming best friends and together built Daylesford.  In a Faith Popcorn moment, I coined a term for this phenomenon, Rural Couture.

Lou & Ash, Rainbow Love Cardi
Rural Couture is a world away from the fast-paced, highly strung cityscape, and quietly becoming one of the hottest trends of this decade. It makes sense. Urban professionals are migrating en masse to the country; leaving behind the rat race, NOT their sense of style. Since I’ve now made it my personal mission in life to showcase this wonderful lifeSTYLE for all the world to see, a good starting point would be to define Rural Couture. Here goes.

Rural Couture has an artist’s eye, a craftsman’s hand, fashion designer’s flair and country style. It’s laid-back glam rural at its best, with general rule of thumb, “Would Wallpaper Magazine feature this?” as the final sign off for Rural Couture status. ...Read more...

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