Saturday, August 20, 2011

How New Zealand's new grassroots record label began

I’m back! No more hospital gowns, nose-tubes or hot surgeon (sadly that wasn’t meant to be!). For over a month, my entire world shrunk to one room; totally reliant on wonderful friends, family and medical staff for everything. Experiences like this are a great reminder of just how much we need a strong support network around us. It’s difficult to imagine making something beautiful out of a horrible situation all on your own, but many people do. And are incredibly inspirational as a result. I’ve been asked many times over the last few weeks why I’ve taken on the Capree boys. ..and the music industry. Not a surprising question given that my guitar repertoire is limited to hymns (taught by Sister Sonia in primary school), I still get confused between Eminem and the more chocolaty M&M's, and once when sitting in a hotel spa, I asked Annie Lennox what she did for a living. 

With our Capree boys (in my PJ's and wellies!)
When I met the Capree boys, heard their singing and then their stories about rising above a world of drugs, gangs, violence and street living with only faith, sheer determination and music for company, it was impossible not to see that they were destined to become inspirational role models for the young generation. All they needed was a strong and caring support network wrapped around them. So that’s how five young Maori lads ended up on my doorstep in Daylesford, four days after major stomach surgery and Sticky Vinyl Productions was borne...Read more...

1 comment:

  1. Good on you Caroloyn, Gerry, Willys, Fender, David Pat and Josh.

    What a brave move to start your Label and take it out to the world with the strength and unity of a family! Beats the crap out of trying to fit the beat of someone else's drum. You all have plenty of drumbeats of your own.

    Looking forward to the next exciting installment of where the sticky stuff will take you all
