Saturday, July 9, 2011

Hot Surgeon, nose tubes and Paris Hilton!

Rung Gerry at 5am to get me to hospital. Stat. Most likely an out-of-control, mind-numbingly awful case of indigestion but worth checking out. The highly muscle-toned and tanned paramedics were almost as effective as the morphine in taking my mind off the pain during the 20 minutes ambulance journey to Ballarat. Even had sirens going.

Paris Hilton - busy as ever
Apparently it isn’t indigestion. Its out of control fatty deposits (abscess) inside my bowel. Here’s me thinking for the last couple of months that my rounding of girth was due to the slower pace of Daylesford life slowing down my metabolism. (Obviously nothing to do with the light as feather scones, jam and cream introduced to the hotel's afternoon tea menu). Instead, my Paris Hilton bowel was chunking up on its own accord. It’s always been so lazy before – so why such a massive burst of energy now? If that wasn’t bad enough, my right hand with the drip in it, was also blowing up to the size of boxer's fist. The chubby was spreading!! Could this day get any worse?...Read more...


  1. oh wow, you poor petal, what an ordeal you've been through - hot docs aside...glad you can still be hilarious at these times. need post of you in pretty blue hospital gown and hot doc - thanks. oops...just burnt crumpets so engrossed in story. goosebump worthy. x

  2. Am concerned that any photos of me in the quite evocative blue hospital gown, with nose tube, drips and very bad hair will give young children nightmares. Like to think this is a PG rated blog.
