Monday, May 30, 2011

Madonna's next country home...Daylesford?

Each year, a flocking phenomenon occurs amongst city dwellers, in response to rising costs of city habitat, dwindling family time, stressful traffic, poor health or high pressured, high paid jobs. Around the world, urban professionals are migrating in droves to commuter-distant villages; embracing rural ways, wearing True Religion jeans, Barbour jackets and Prada wellies (okay that might just be me?). In England, this phenomenon is referred to as the “New Squirearchy”.

The Queen of New Squirearchy has to be Madonna, and as such she's was been a big inspiration for my flying the city coop and landing in rural Daylesford. If she can move  to the slow hum of the English countryside, write children's books about english roses and embrace Harris Tweed, then so can I. Interestingly, many people over the years have commented on the similarities  between Madonna and myself...Read more...

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The spa capital of Australia...who knew?

Over many years of obsessive enthusiasm for day spas, I've become something of a spa snob (is anyone really that surprised?!). There are many wannabes in the spa world, but only a select few entitled to wear the precious spa tiara. 

My favourite London sash bearers include the women's only Sanctuary Spa in Covent Garden (made infamous in 1978 when Joan Collins appeared in a scene on the spa's swing in The Stud), The Dorchester Spa(favourite of the Royal family) and Spa NK in the terribly fashionable Notting Hill. Walk into these wonderlands of calm, far far away from everyday life, and be blanketed in pampering...Read more...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Welcome to Jurassic Park

The first clue that I had moved to glamazon Jurassic Park came  while sitting on the terrace at dear friends, John and Marie Couani‘s home in Sydney, a few days after arriving in Australia. Marie was pottering in the flower baskets and nonchalantly held up a tiny black spider.  I was supposed to memorise the features of this little creature because it was deadly and would kill within moments of coming in contact with human skin. Good to know!

Once arriving in Daylesford, Jurassic reality quickly sunk in. Chris and Wayne  were suspiciously keen to give me a couple of (supposedly their favourite) kittens from their pack of farm cats. I later heard that cats are essential to keeping snakes away from the house. Also , good to know!...Read more... 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Prada vs. Wellies

While living for 13 years in the fashion capital of the world (just eight doors down from Jamie Oliver and moments away from Selfridges), I developed a deep love affair with Prada shoes, Emma Hope handmade high heels and Anne Fontaine's exquisite shirts. With the addition of True Religion jeans, these angels of style have been my devoted fashion entourage for years. Contrary to popular belief, I think one can never be overdressed. The one exception being the London Savoy Lounge, where I was once asked to leave because management thought I was a high-end prostitute. Apparently I was too well dressed!...Read more...

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Last Hope

Being a single city girl, recently relocated from London to the quiet little village of Daylesford in rural Victoria, Australia, hasn't turned out quite how I expected. My bosses, Chris and Wayne, are counting down the days till I give up all hope and become a lesbian and my parents have started a prayer chain seeking divine intervention to get me into a nun habit...Read more...